Experience the Power of High-Quality, Targeted Leads!

Revolutionize Your Sales, Dominate Your Market,

And Transform Or Create Your Dream Business!

Stop Waiting for Leads to Just Magically Appear -
Start Capturing Precision-Targeted Prospects Now!

Real-time, filtered and targeted, high-quality leads ... NOT scraped, overused, oversold or outdated ...

Get only your target or ideal customers

Their contact details and internet presence

The industry, their role, or the company

Don't JUST sit back and wait for leads

"Proactive" Lead Generation at it's best

Integrate with your CRM or download a .CSV

Find leads, and start Marketing & connecting!

Proactively go out and connect with your intended audience!

Get what you pay for, and start conquering your business goals!

Why pay for ads, or organically Market, to sit back and wait for the leads to maybe one day come calling?

Why "network" or "build relationships" with strangers, when you can get the leads YOU WANT now?

Revolutionize your Lead Generation with real-time, high-quality leads directly to your target or ideal customer ... Current data, and detailed insights from across the internet
and Social Media ... Engage with potential clients more effectively than ever before ...

Flexible monthly subscriptions, no long-term contracts, the freedom to scale your lead efforts, and roll-over unused leads to the next month. Elevate your business strategy, boost conversions, and achieve unparalleled growth with this powerful Lead Generation tool ... Proactively attack your business growth!

Let's take a peek inside with one
of the creators ... And also, there

are nice updates & improvements
that seem to be ongoing ... :)

I use it, and love it!

Not Sure Yet?

Here's More For You From The
Mindset Of A Business Coach

Your Sales Process and Leads

(Crucial for growing your business)

A Sales Process is a roadmap that defines a specific set of steps for Marketing and selling your product or service.
Each step consists of several key activities that produce a predictable, measurable outcome. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones, and know exactly how many leads your efforts should generate to get your Sales Process up and going, then great. If you don't, you will be like most, who hope and pray ... That is what we call Hope and Pray Marketing ...

Lead Generation has the job of reaching your prospects with a laser-focused message and getting them to raise their hand and acknowledge they are interested in what you offer. Lead Qualification has the job of separating those prospects into two different camps, those who WANT what you offer and those who NEED what you offer. You always want to focus on prospects who WANT your product or service. A well-designed and carefully crafted Lead Generation Software or Application, along with a Marketing Message and Outreach Campaign, can do both vital components simultaneously, generate leads and qualify those leads ... Then, your Lead Conversion skills have the job of transforming a prospect into a client by gaining their commitment ... You've got that part covered, right? :)

HOW are you going to get these leads? How are you going to get ENOUGH of them? Are you using old-fashion methods? Buying overused / oversold leads from Vendors? Feeling like you are a needy and pushy salesperson?

With THAT Being Said ...

Do you "pay" for your leads, and have no idea who is going to call? ... OR ...
Do you attend networking events, and try really hard organically? ... OR ...

Are you Marketing (or Advertising) and hoping for someone to notice? ... OR ...
Would you enjoy paying for "targeted", filtered, and picked-by-you leads, to
connect with, Market to, and build relationships with starting immediatly?

It's YOUR Call!

Click the Ebook image or the blue lettering for this Free Offer


Position yourself light years ahead of your competition and build
a Competition-Dominating Marketing program ... What you must

understand is, how critical this exact process really is for business ...
- - -

Unfortunately, most Small Business Owners do not ...

And mostly, it's not their fault! And why I try to make them aware ...

If Not, Here Are Some Insights

About This Lead Generation Marvel

AND, Artificial Intelligence helps you in your outreach efforts!

You may not want or need it, but it's there for you nonetheless ...

As a "heads up" ...
This look (below) will be changing a bit, with more filtering, search options,
and additions ... Upgrades or enhancements are made whenever possible!


IMJustice Marketing ... Dave Smith
Business Coach & Marketing Strategist

... Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida 32940 ...

... Dave@IMJusticeMarketing.com ...

This is Lead Generation Software, and the opportunity to "proactively" find and Market to your target
or ideal customers ... This approach, replaces the sit-back-and-wait processes of organic and paid
Marketing & Advertising ... And, it works! ... Especially if you know and understand Strategic Marketing ...
Best of luck, and let me know how I can help you grow your business bigger and better than ever ...

My Main Website ... My Second Website ...