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Marketing concerns

Marketing And Advertising Concerns

July 06, 20243 min read

The YouTube Video Link   …   (321) 622-5756 … If you aren’t taking the time to properly optimize your website and your content everywhere you can, or making use of the tools that are available to your company, then you will continue to fail to generate the leads needed to keep your business going.


It doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in, if you aren’t able to generate new leads and turn them into paying customers, your company will never succeed. You need to be constantly bringing in new customers if you want your business to thrive.

It sounds like a simple task to generate more leads, but you’ve spent a ton of time and resources on your Marketing strategy, but you don’t seem to be seeing the results that you had expected. Then, understand this. There are dozens and dozens of Lead Generating Strategies and Tactics … Believe me, there really are many …

Generating more leads is anything but easy and if you don’t have a solid Marketing strategy that will drive more traffic to your website, you’ll never be able to generate the leads you need for your business to succeed. Some of the most common reasons why businesses fail to drive traffic to their site and generate more leads include:

● Your company website isn’t optimized correctly or Mobile-friendly.

● Your website “above the fold” is all platitudes and common jargon.

● Your homepage isn’t designed to “engage” the customers.

● You don’t have anything compelling that directs your visitors to take action.

● Your content is poor quality and you aren’t posting consistently. (Massively!)

● You’re not utilizing Email Marketing to reach your target audience.

● Someone told you to do a couple of things, like set it and forget it,
and that was enough.

● And, you spend too much time on “tactics”, and not “strategy” …


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To be successful in Online Marketing, your strategies won’t be all that different from traditional Marketing strategies that you’re used to; they will just use some slightly different methods than you may be used to. Marketing strategies, whether they are conventional or general, all have the same goals; bring in customers who purchase from your business and to increase brand awareness.

A good Online Marketing Plan will improve the number of visitors that your business website sees (or your Social profiles), as well as the number of conversions that result in sales. You always need to be making a conscious effort to remind yourself that your site is nothing more than a white elephant in the sense that no matter how pretty and fancy it is, if it doesn’t engage and convert your visitors into qualified leads, then it’s pretty much worthless.

Your Online Marketing plan will be wide-ranging and may include a number of different strategies including Blogging, Social Media, webinars, SEO, and Email Marketing. One of the primary benefits of Online Marketing is the incredible market reach. This means that you need to develop a Marketing plan that is tailored to reach a broad audience.


Here’s To Your Success!

Dave Smith, Business Coach And Marketing Strategist at IMJustice Marketing

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Dave Smith

I help Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals, who find themselves struggling, stuck, or not growing as fast as they would like to, understand why that is happening to them … I help those who are fed up with constantly competing on price, lackluster sales, inadequate revenue … and Marketing or Advertising that’s not only expensive, but doesn’t really generate any meaningful number of quality or qualified leads for their business … And then I help them turn that situation around for good …

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