This Video On YouTube … (321) 622-5756 … Marketing and Advertising is taught, learned, and sold all wrong … The right information, at the right time, and in the right order can transform businesses and lives … My focus here is on some “problems” in Marketing … Everything you’ve ever learned about generating leads and growing your business is wrong …
Everything you’ve ever heard, everything you’ve ever tried, and everything you’ve ever done — it’s all wrong. I teach how to achieve massive leverage with your Marketing, meaning simply that you’ll make more money for the same time, the same money, and the same effort you’re expending right now.
Why will this enable you to dominate your local market? Simple … most businesses simply don’t know how to do this. They don’t understand the tremendous untapped potential that lies within their Marketing. Most businesses today spend some money on Marketing and Advertising, and then decide that whatever results they get from that Marketing is probably about as good as it’s going to get. They realize that their results can fluctuate up and down, but they never imagine that fantastic are even remotely possible.
I’m here to tell you point blank that nothing could be further from the truth. The Marketing I teach is based on unchanging principles of human nature that dictate that people always want to make the best buying decision possible, and therefore, Marketing’s job, your job, is not to yak incessantly about how great you are, or how low your prices are. Your job is to position your prospective buyers, so they have total control over the decision- making process, based on them having enough quantity and quality of information to determine that they’re receiving the most value for the price they pay …
My Methods To Help The Small Business Owner Grow
There are two main components to any Marketing plan: Strategic Marketing and Tactical Marketing.
Strategic Marketing is the content of your message. It’s what you say and how you say it, including the concepts you choose to focus on, the words and images you use to communicate those concepts, and the tone in which the message is delivered.
Tactical Marketing on the other hand, has to do with the execution of the Strategic Marketing, such as placing ads, building a website, attending trade shows and things like that.
If I ask a Business Owner about their Marketing plan, the answer almost always comes back in terms of Tactical Marketing: They send direct mail, run radio ads, create a website … those kinds of things. But the key to effective Marketing is to master the Strategic side, NOT the Tactical. What you say in your Marketing, and how you say it, are almost always more important than the Marketing medium where you say it.
Both are important of course, but the real leverage is in the messaging itself, and that’s the Strategic side of Marketing.