Strategic Marketing BLOG

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Expanding Your Products and Services

More Transactions and Loyalty

July 03, 202410 min read

How To Expand Your Products/Services
And Increase Customer Revenue


“I want to show you here, that all Marketing Pro’s are
When you see the difference below, hopefully a new world
of hope, enthusiasm and interest will emerge …

IF you invest in one!” …

More Transactions and Loyalty with more products or services

Are You Ready?

let’s go

Provide Your Customers With a Continuous Stream
of Products and Services They Need and Want

If a trusted clothing store wrote you a letter about special merchandise that they just received, detailing the style, quality and price, would you have a tendency to go check it out? Especially, if the store focused the offer on items of interest and you hadn’t purchased clothes lately?

  • So, when was the last time that you sent a letter to your current customers, telling them about new merchandise or additional services you provide or letting them know about a special deal?

If your Dentist sent you a brochure with pictures, educating you on the new “one-time, in-office teeth whitening procedure” they now perform. Would you be prone to calling them if you desired whiter teeth? How much more likely would you be to get this procedure done than if they never sent such a letter or discussed this with you in person?

  • So when was the last time you tried to introduce your clients to other products or services that you provide but which they don’t purchase? And have you educated them on why this would be to their best interest?

If you buy a furnace, or water purifier or a bicycle, do these items ever need to be serviced? Or if you buy a software program, do you ever wish you had someone to train you on how to use it?

  • Do you provide training or service on the items you sell? If so, when was the last time that you followed up with your clients to see if they had a need?

This strategy focuses exclusively on how you can get
your customers to purchase more of what you provide

Often existing and past customers are forgotten by businesses. The assumption is that when they need something they will come in or call. Businesses with this attitude are missing out on an enormous amount of revenue that comes from staying in continuous contact with their customers.

Providing your customers with a continuous stream of products and services involves:

  1. Staying in continuous contact with your customers

  2. Conditioning them to purchase more often

  3. Expanding their purchase patterns to include more of what you provide

If you provide a quality service and a quality product, then your customers will be open to a variety of items that you introduce to them. It cost 500% more to get a new customer them to keep the ones you have. Why put your time and capital at risk to acquire new customers until you fully tap your existing customer reservoir to the max.

Three customer types create opportunities for
motivating your customers to continually purchase

Customer Type #1 – Current Active Customers

Your current active customers should be purchasing from you regularly. In addition, they should be open to purchasing other products and services that you offer as well. So what other products or services do your customers need that are related to what you originally sold them?

Customer Type #2- Inactive Customers

Customers are inactive for a variety of reasons. What else can your customers purchase that’s related to the original product or service they purchased (even if they don’t need the original product anymore)?

Lost Customers

This is where your customers either were dissatisfied or stopped using you, or they were indifferent and use someone else out of convenience. Often businesses assume that once they lose a client, they have lost them forever. This is a costly error.

Customer Type #3 – Prospects that inquired but did not purchase

People often need to “kick the tires” and get comfortable with making a purchase before they take action. Another reason why people inquire but don’t purchase right away is the fact that they need more information before making a decision. Or they may need to convince their spouse to spend the money.

The important thing to point out is that many of the “non-purchase” prospects are really customers waiting for the right time or offer or education in order to move to purchase and therefore, consistent follow up is critical to winning them as customers.

Three opportunities to get these three customer
types to purchase continuously from you

Opportunity #1 – Offer Your Customers the Same Types of Products or Services That They Currently Purchase From You.

Your customers have already demonstrated in the past that they will buy certain items from you.

Opportunity #2 – Expand Your Customer’s Purchase Patterns by Selling Them Other Products and Services They Don’t Currently Purchase From You.

If someone buys a product or service from you, what else might he or she or a family member need that you provide? Businesses make the fatal mistake of thinking people are aware of all of the products and services they sell.

Opportunity #3 – Provide Service or Training to Your Customers

If your product or service involves the need for future service then you should be the one providing this to your clients.

If your product or service involves the need for future training then you should also be the one providing this to your clients.

How these leveraged opportunities
apply to different business types

First, let’s look at Repeat Purchase Businesses

A Video Store can send their inactive customers a coupon for a “free movie” or ” buy one get one free” or “free popcorn and soda with a movie.” They can also send their clients a letter educating them about the value of cleaning the internal parts of their DVD player on a regular basis. They could further offer to sell their customers tickets to other family or entertainment activities.

A Telephone Service Provider can once again offer their customers voice mail or call waiting. Customers are generally given an opportunity to purchase these services only at the point of installation. Perhaps they didn’t think they needed call waiting initially or perhaps they had an answering machine which later stopped functioning. 


Random or Infrequent Repeat Purchase Businesses

A Wellness Physician may have over 3,000 patients. This doctor stocks a premium line of vitamins and minerals, which he prescribes only for specific patient concerns. He may reach 10% of his patients in this way. This means 90% of his patients are completely unaware of the incredible benefits of these vitamins.

What about an Accountant? She can tell her business clients about her Consulting services. Rather than wait until year-end, she can provide quarterly evaluations which helps keep her clients on track. 

An Orthodontist can educate his patients (the parents or adults) on having their children come in at a younger age to get preventive work done. He can offer to put braces on the parents – even educating them on the “invisible braces” that are available.


Single Purchase Business

A Contractor can stay in contact with their customers and suggest home improvements that would enhance the client’s home. If they had done a large job initially, they should have good insight on the customer’s needs and potential wants.


10 Step Implementation Process
(I dive deeper into this for clients)

Step 1 – Identify which products or services would be
good candidates for an offer to your clients. 

Step 2 – Which types of customers are you going to
make your offer to

Step 3 – Determine why someone would want to
purchase these items from you

Step 4 – Select just ONE to get started

Step 5 – Determine marginal profitability

Step 6 – Designing Your Program

There are 4 elements of the program you need to customize.


First is a Customer Database. Your customer database will enable you to evaluate your customers purchase patterns to identify both their current frequency of purchase and lack of purchases of items you feel they should or would purchase if educated and motivated to do so. 

If a Wellness Doctor tracks his patients by specific ailment (back pain, arthritis, headaches etc.}, he can recommend specific vitamin and mineral supplements to specific ailment groups.


Element #1 – Determine what the offer will be

The first thing you need to do is to determine what your specific offer will be to your customers. At what price will you offer the product or service? If you are merely “re-activating” or reminding your customers that it’s time to purchase, then you may not need to reduce the price at all.

If you’re introducing your customers to your training or maintenance service, then you may choose to offer some incentive to motivate them to let you demonstrate the quality of your service and the benefits they can derive.

The next thing for you to consider in your offer is
whether you need to motivate your customers to
purchase by including value added benefits or bonuses?

Element #2 – Determining Your Script

Now that you have identified your product or service that you will offer to a specified group of your customers, what are you going to say? Your offer should contain these 8 elements that make up a Compelling Offer:

  1. A specific self-serving benefit headline (and sub-headline) or first paragraph.

  2. The specific benefits and outcome they will receive.

    • Product or Service Benefits and Features.

  3. The reason they should purchase the item and why from you.

  4. The specific actions you will take (including price and terms)

  5. The specific action they are to take.

  6. A Compelling Bonus or Incentive, if appropriate.

  7. How you will minimize or eliminate their risk.

  8. PS – the headline for the headline – the key elements of your offer.

Element #3 – Delivery or Communication Method

If you’re making the offer at the time of purchase, who will ask the client … you or your staff? Or will you mail the postcard? Or include the offer in your catalog? Or will you communicate by phone? Your program can and should encompass multiple delivery methods.


Element #4 – Follow Up

Most businesses tend to drastically under mail their clients. Conventional thinking is that you don’t want to bother your clients. This is costly and erroneous information. The more you mail them, the more they will purchase and the more they will refer you because you’re top of mind. You will know precisely how often is too often when the profits from your mailing are exceeded by the cost.

And to add to those 6 steps:

Step 7 – Test Program

Step 8 – Teach your staff and validate

Step 9 – Set-up measurements/tracking

Step 10 – Reward/Incentives for staff

In Summary

Provide Your Customers With a Continuous Stream of Products and Services They Need and Want … This strategy focuses exclusively on how you can get your customers to purchase more of what you provide ... Three customer types create opportunities for motivating your customers to continually purchase … Three opportunities to get these three customer types to purchase continuously from you … How these leveraged opportunities apply to different business types …

The Implementation Process …

Do you need to motivate your customers to purchase by
including value added benefits or bonuses?
Understand why you should be willing to make such outrageous offers …
What are your opportunities to resell customers after the initial purchase …
And understand why the follow-up will produce such profound results …

As a Business Coach, there is quite a bit more to all of this information you just read ... Time needs to be spent on them, and they ALL create opportunities to grow a business ... And as you can see, it's a bit different than just selling you a typical tactic, that most know about ... And most randomly try them without knowing "strategy" ... Like I always state, "It's just not on their menu" ...

Here's To Your Success!

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Dave Smith

I help Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals, who find themselves struggling, stuck, or not growing as fast as they would like to, understand why that is happening to them … I help those who are fed up with constantly competing on price, lackluster sales, inadequate revenue … and Marketing or Advertising that’s not only expensive, but doesn’t really generate any meaningful number of quality or qualified leads for their business … And then I help them turn that situation around for good …

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